The Ultimate Guide to Shopping in Búzios: From Trendy Boutiques to Local Artisans

Armação dos Búzios, often simply referred to as Búzios, is not just a paradise for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts; it’s also a haven for shoppers. Once a quaint fishing village that rose to international fame after a visit from Brigitte Bardot in the 1960s, Búzios has grown into a cosmopolitan hotspot featuring a range of shopping experiences. From high-end boutiques to vibrant local markets, shopping in Búzios offers something for everyone.

Rua das Pedras: The Heart of Búzios Shopping

Rua das Pedras is the beating heart of Búzios’ shopping scene. This cobblestone street is lined with boutiques, galleries, and stores selling everything from designer clothes to handcrafted jewelry. As you stroll down this lively street, you’ll encounter both international brands and local artisans. Rua das Pedras is also home to numerous restaurants and cafes, making it an ideal spot for a full day of shopping and dining.


  • Designer Boutiques: For those interested in high fashion, Rua das Pedras has several boutiques featuring Brazilian designers as well as international labels.
  • Jewelry Stores: Búzios is known for its exquisite handcrafted jewelry, often made with local stones and materials. Several shops along this street specialize in these unique pieces.
  • Art Galleries: From traditional Brazilian art to contemporary works, the galleries in this area offer a wide range of options for art enthusiasts.

Orla Bardot: Seaside Shopping

Named after the French actress Brigitte Bardot who put Búzios on the map, Orla Bardot is another popular shopping destination, offering the added allure of sea views. This promenade features several stores selling beachwear, accessories, and souvenirs. Don’t miss the chance to pick up a pair of Brazilian flip-flops or a stylish beach cover-up.

Feira Livre Periurbana de Búzios: The Local Market

For a more authentic shopping experience, head to the Feira Livre Periurbana. This market is where locals and tourists alike come to buy fresh produce, traditional Brazilian snacks, and handcrafted goods. It’s the perfect place to pick up some local spices or a handmade hammock. It is usually open on Thursday evening 18:00h – 22:00h and Saturday 07:00h – 15:00h. Find out more about local markets in our article “Explore Local Markets in Búzios“.

Porto Barro: A Fusion of Craft and Culture

One cannot speak of shopping in Búzios without mentioning Porto Barro. This area is known for its eclectic mix of shops and stalls, all set within a picturesque locale. You can find everything from artisanal crafts, unique jewelry, and handmade clothing to more conventional beach accessories and trinkets. As you stroll through the vibrant lanes of Porto Barro, you’ll also come across various cafes and eateries, perfect for taking a break and indulging in local flavors.

Souvenir Shopping: What to Look For

Búzios offers a variety of unique souvenirs to take home. Consider purchasing:

  • Canga: A Brazilian beach wrap that can also function as a towel or blanket.
  • Local Crafts: Ceramic figurines, woven baskets, and other handcrafted items make for unique keepsakes or gifts.
  • Biquinis: Brazilian bikinis are famous worldwide for their quality and style.
  • Cachaça: A bottle of the local sugarcane spirit is a must-buy for those who enjoy a taste of local culture.


Whether you’re looking for designer fashion, handcrafted goods, or a simple beachside souvenir, shopping in Búzios offers a diverse range of options to suit all tastes and budgets. With its mix of cosmopolitan boutiques and local markets, Búzios provides a shopping experience that’s as vibrant and varied as the town itself.

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